A Couple Projects I've Worked On

weboost screenshot


Cellular signal booster Ecommerce platform

weboost is the principal Ecommerce site for Wilson Electronics. Made using React and NextJS, the UI is hand built to be highly interactive. The site integrates closely with Shopify to deliver a clean and simple interface for purchasing products. This site contains dozens of custom pages, with hundreds more templated. The first portions of the site were built entirely by myself, with others assisting for the later stages. Pictured is the home page, which was one of the first completed.

flightowl screenshot


Commercial flight search engine and tracker

FlightOwl is the all-in-one web and mobile app for finding and saving flights. FlightOwl offers a simple interface for flight searching. Flights are easily trackable, meaning users can monitor flight prices worry-free. FlightOwl was my capstone project at Utah Tech University. With an API implemented in Go, this project was designed for extreme scalability. The web app was made with Svelte, my personal favorite UI framework. This site was deployed with Heroku.

portfolio screenshot

Shakespeare Dev v1

Portfolio and CV website for myself

Serving as my initial implementation of shakespeare.dev, this site was made to be highly kinetic. With a custom built particles engine and smooth Svelte transitions, this site is designed to be simple and clean. Shakespeare Dev v1 was my first successful solo deployment, hosted on GitHub pages.

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